Everyday Me

So I've been thinking about this blog here. By fortunate circumstances I have been travelling and relocating since graduating school. At times for studies, at times for work and very recently for love. I have found myself reinventing my daily habits, likes and dislikes, alternating between tea and coffee and navigating traffic from left to right. My last move has brought me to Kenya. I was lucky enough to rely on great bloggers and writers who discovered my new hometowns before me and presented me their findings on a silver tablet. This time around, I couldn't find much on Nairobi and everything is very much word-of-mouth. It's been fun discovering new places, trying out tailors and carpenters and hunting weeks after weeks for a good cup of coffee. I will be sharing my Nairobi here - if you ever wish to get in touch with me just email me or follow me on Pinterest.

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